Saturday, February 06, 2010

Comic Purchases 2/5/10

Sorry for the Late posting had to go watch Smallville: Absolute Justice, if you didn't see it you missed a great episode. My opinion i think the writers of Heroes need to take cue from what they did on Smallville if they wanna save Heroes, which i kinda hope they cancel cause the show is complete crap now. Now on to the comics i picked up Friday when i went back to the Comic Shop. Ok i got Batman Annual #22, Flash Annual #11, Detective Comics #861, Spider-Man/Marrow #1, Sky Pirates of Neo Terra #5, Savage Dragon #157, The Unknown: The Devil Made Flesh #4, The Complete Alice in Wonderland #2, Wildguard: Casting Call #'s 1,2,3,4,5,6 and Youngblood #4 (Bagged). Some pretty cool books to read over the weekend, since everything is re-runs cause of the moron bowl. That's it for now, feel free to leave comments. Later

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By sasaharax, shot with Canon PowerShot A530 at 2010-02-05

Image Hosted by
By sasaharax, shot with Canon PowerShot A530 at 2010-02-05


Anonymous said...

Since the Saints won I guess
we can get ready to hear "Who
Dat" every five minutes or when
you turn on the news.

Anonymous said...

Look I like the Saints but
you have so many people that
really belive that just because
we won the Super Bowl that it
we lead us to a new golden age
for the state.Have you watched
the news lately? You could have
a triple homicide in front of the
news station and the top story
of the day would be the Saints
win the Super Bowl.