Sunday, January 30, 2011

What i need to do.

I told myself that i was gonna do alot of things when 2011 started and i have not done them and January is almost over. I will begin to do these things in February or i am gonna kick my ass. The things i am gonna do are watch all the stuff i need to watch, exercise, eat healthy, be more active, stop drinking to many cokes, drink more water and tea, read more, catch up on my comics & graphic novel reading, write more and be more sociable. When the Library starts having more Anime and Doctor Who nights i will go, would be nice if they do a Comic Book thing there. Also play more video games instead of buying and letting them gather dust on the shelf. I'm starting to get my blogging back on Wednesday and since i have my Netbook i can use some wifi. To bad my work doesn't have it and the nearest wifi is McDonalds, Wendy's or the Library down the road but usually i can't get away at lunch to use them. I will start carrying some books with me to read in my truck at work during the week and dedicate my weekday afternoons and weekends to my Comic and Movie watching. Hopefully i wont disappoint myself and start doing these things. I do wish this town would have some Creative Writing classes at the Library or somewhere where people can meet, but this town is a disappointment. Well that's all for now, see you all around. Feel free to leave comments even though no one ever does. Later.