Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Figures,Comics & Magazine Purchases 7/29/09

Picked up some pretty good books and stuff today.

I went to target and found 2 Star Wars Mighty Muggs for 2.47 each, they were Gran Moff Tarkin and Count Dooku. It's like i have my very own Star Wars Hammer Horror Reunion lol.

Also got Magazine wise for the May2009 Issue of Newtype Japan.


Also got some cool Comics too, like TMNT Collected Volume 1 (Collect's #1-11) i can't wait to read this,This is Wildstorm Universe #0 (Free)  Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #3 ,Wednesday Comics #4 and Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #57 (Both Covers).

I gotta go back later this week for some more books.


Ziroc said...

I wouldn't mind getting one of those TMNT collections. How much was it and did you have to get it special ordered? Or think he has some more in stock?

SasaharaX said...

It was a special order, reg price was 29.99. I think i got for about 20.00, i'm sure he can order one if you ask.