New Purchases 9/16/09
Went out and bought some new comics and some back issues today, got some pretty awesome books. Picked up Blackest Night #3,Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3,Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #2,Wednesday Comics #11,Batman and Robin #4,Green Lantern #150,192,200,Amazing Spider-Man #604 & 605,Star Wars: The Clone Wars #9,Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #45,Doctor Who Classics Series 2 #10,Doctor Who Ongoing Series #3,Donatello: The Brain Thief #1,Tales of The T.M.N.T. #62,Beasts of Burden #1,Hotwire #4,Hack/Slash #25,Domino Lady #2,Farscape: D'Argo's Trial #2,Dead@17:Afterbirth #4,Archie #602,Galactica 1980 #1,Home Grown Funnies #1,Zendra #1,2,3,4,5,6. Got quite alot to read this week & weekend. See ya next week.