Another Summer is Almost Over
August is almost here in a few days and it has been a hot summer here is Louisiana. Comic stories have seem to be slowing down and now getting ready for the next Big Events in the Fall, Summer Movies are winding down also.
It also looks like I won’t get to go to Comic-Con in 2013 unless I find a better paying job or win the lottery before December. I have been telling myself to blog more but since I work outside in the heat it just drains the hell out of me. But I will get back to blogging Comic News and other stuff.
Also been without a cellphone for past 2 months which feels like 3 years lol. But I am hoping in about 3 weeks I will get a new one. Also been getting back into Anime & Manga again and I have been wanting to do that so that is one thing I have accomplished this summer. Now I got to work on reading all my back-issue comics.
Well that’s it for now, hopefully I will get to see The Dark Knight Rises Sunday. Later!!!