Sunday, February 06, 2011

Weekend Purchases 2/5/2011

Weekend is almost over and a new work week begins, dude to the ice and slick roads I did not go out to the Comic Shop like normally do so I had to wait till Saturday. Went to the Books-A-Million and picked up Highschool of the Dead Vol.1, Otaku U.S.A. April 2011 and Toyfare #163 which might be the last issue of the magazine since Wizard has stopped publishing Toyfare and Wizard Magazine. Hopefully they will get the Online Mag they are talking about up soon, I do like reading about new toy releases. The Otaku U.S.A. I did not know was out and I did have hopes of BAMM having Highschool of the Dead but they surprised me and they did. After that I went over to Clint’s and make my order and pick up a few Comics I had in my box, the Comics I got were Batman: Odyssey #8 Neal Adams 1:0 Black & White Cover, Twilight Guardian #1 which turned out to be a good read and also the reason I always grab new first issue comics cause I like taking a chance and also picked up the entire run of Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II #’s 1-6.  I remind myself never go on a Saturday cause it’s Magic day and I can’t stand MTG, plus I did not know they would be out that early. Not all MTG player’s are bad but most I have been in the presence of give others a bad rep and comic fans are the same way. There are some I don’t like either. Well that’s all for now, feel free to leave comments. Later!!!